The Egypt Centre wins the Diana Award for Champion Volunteers!

The Egypt Centre at Swansea University is yet again celebrating its wonderful young volunteers, the “Nubies”, for being awarded the prestigious Diana Award for Champion volunteers.

The Egypt Centre ‘Nubies’ were nominated for their fantastic work as gallery assistants, helping the public to experience ancient Egypt and the museums collection in a new and exciting way!   They bring life and energy to the museum on a Saturday, and this is reflected again and again in the visitor’s experience.  The Nubie program has been running for over 10 years, and throughout this time the young volunteers have run the museum on a Saturday, without adult intervention.  The programme is so popular there is a waiting list for places!

One of the reasons the museum was nominated was due to its unique nature in using young people of all backgrounds to run the museum. For example Hywel Jones, age 15, from Llanelli, joined the Egypt Centre when he was 10 years old. Hwyel has Asperges and other learning difficulties and since he started volunteering he has come on leaps and bounds.

Hywel can find social situations challenging however being here has helped him to make friends, work in a team, all while having fun, as he describes, “I really enjoy working at the Egypt Centre because I’ve made lots of new friends over the years I’ve been there”.

Ashleigh Taylor, Volunteer Manager, says, “It is fantastic that this award recognises the wonderful work that young volunteers, like Hwyel, contribute, not only to our museum but our society.  They are a joy to work with, and they deserve an award for their commitment, enthusiasm, and expertise in their area, which outstrips most adults!”

Maggie Turner OBE and Chief Executive of the Diana Award said: “It is crucial that young people, like the Nubies who are committed to supporting their local communities, are recognised with an Award. This recognition inspires them to carry on helping others and improve our society. These young people will go on to be our leaders of tomorrow.”

The Diana Award was founded in 1999 by the UK government to act as a lasting legacy to Diana Princess of Wales ’ belief in the power of young people to change the world. The award encourages exceptional young people, like the Egypt centre volunteers, to build a better society for all!

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