The Gospel of Us

“The Gospel of Us” – the novel of Michael Sheen’s ‘The Passion’ will be launched in Port Talbot Library on Saturday 7th April at 1pm.

Author Owen Sheers worked with National Theatre Wales and Michael Sheen to deliver The Passion during April 2011.

A year on, Owen Sheers launches ‘The Gospel of Us’ as part of a weekend commemorating last year’s event which also includes the film premiere of The Passion on the 8th of April.

‘The Gospel of Us’, published by Seren Books chronicles the remarkable community production of The Passion.

Novelist, poet and broadcaster, Owen Shears, will be reading from the book, taking questions and signing copies of the book, which will be on sale.

Russell Ward, Head of Partnerships and Community Development said: “It’s fitting that Port Talbot library is hosting the launch of the book. We hope that residents will join in with the weekend celebrations to look back with immense pride at what was a memorable event for the town.”

The event is free but to confirm a reservation then please contact 01639 763491.


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