The latest about Awel y Coleg

Work on an exciting scheme to build extra care housing for older people in Bala is taking shape and there is a new opportunity for people to find out more about the project.

A drop-in session will be held to discuss the Awel y Coleg scheme in the Tai Clwyd Offices at Gweithdai Penllyn, y Bala on Tuesday, 20 March between 2 and 4pm.

This will give local people, especially those who are interested in taking a flat in the development and their families, to find out about the services and the care which will be available at Awel y Coleg.

It is hoped that the work will be completed by the autumn of 2012 and that the first tenants will be able to move into their new homes. But for those who cannot wait until then, there will be a chance to have a sneak preview of a show flat during an information day which is to be held during the last week of April. Detailed information about living and care costs will be available then too.

Councillor Wyn Williams, Gwynedd Council’s Social Services Portfolio Leader, said: “I’m glad that the work is progressing so well at Awel y Coleg and that so many people have shown an interest in moving there.

“It’s important that we remember that it will not just a building but a cosy home for local people and a close community where people can enjoy life to the full. This sort of accommodation will enable people to continue to live independently as they grow older.

“Gwynedd Council and Cymdeithas Tai Clwyd are working hard at the moment to make sure that everything is in place to create a homely atmosphere and to ensure that Awel y Coleg is a good place to live.

“For example, the process of selecting a manager for the home is currently going on and a number of applications have been submitted. We are also in the process of choosing a food supplier for Awel y Coleg.”

One local lady is keen to move to Awel y Coleg. Millicent Rowlands, who lives in Y Bala, said: “I’m really looking forward to seeing the extra care housing scheme completed, and am very hopeful that my application for an apartment will be accepted.”

Councillor Williams added: “I would urge anyone who wants more information about what is being offered at Awel y Coleg, for themselves or for a member of their family, to come to the drop-in session. There is a warm welcome to all.”

For more information about the Awel y Coleg scheme, contact Cymdeithas Tai Clwyd on 0345 230 3150. For more information about services and support for people as they get older, contact Gwynedd Council on 01286 679549 or [email protected]


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