The National Service of Remembrance for Wales

The observance of Remembrance Sunday in Cardiff will take place this year on November 14.  Jointly hosted by Cardiff Council, the Welsh Assembly Government and The Royal British Legion.

Detachments from the Royal Navy, the Army, the Royal Air Force, the Wales University Royal Navy Unit, the Army’s University Officer Training Corps and the Merchant Navy and Fishing Fleets, will march from King Edward VII Avenue via Museum Avenue to the Welsh National War Memorial in Alexandra Gardens, Cathays Park, Cardiff where they will arrive by 10:40hrs and form up around the memorial.

Those detachments will be joined by columns of ex-Servicemen and women, organised by the Royal British Legion and columns of civilians representing organisations connected with past conflicts.

A selection of music will be played by The Regimental Band and Corp of Drums of The Royal Welsh from 10.40am until shortly before 11am when the service will begin with a bidding and words of scripture given by Cardiff Council Honorary Chaplain, Reverend Stewart Lisk.

At 10.59am a Bugler from The Regimental Band and Corp of Drums of The Royal Welsh will sound the ‘Last Post, followed at 11am by a gun of the 104 Air Defence Regiment RA (V) from Raglan Barracks, Newport who will be fire to mark the start of the two minutes’ silence which will be observed. Its conclusion will again be marked by the firing of the gun and the playing of Reveille by the Bugler. Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of South Glamorgan will then lay a wreath at the Memorial, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, followed by representatives from across Wales.

At the conclusion of the service all participants and guests will gather to witness the March Past and Salute taken by The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Councillor Keith Hyde, at the front of City Hall.

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