“The Next Generation must have it Better than the Last”

Rhun ap IorwerthParty of Wales Shadow Economy Minister Rhun ap Iorwerth has warned that perilously high levels of youth unemployment must not hinder efforts to ensure high-paid work opportunities for the next generations of Welsh workers.

Mr ap Iorwerth cited the youth unemployment rate of 21.3 per cent as a signal that both Labour and Tory governments have neglected the prospects of young people as they over-focus on headline employment figures.

Following a Plaid Cymru debate on the economy in the Senedd today, Rhun ap Iorwerth AM said:

“Young Welsh people face a triple barrier in the labour market; skill levels, the availability of high paid work and the lack of support to aid Welsh businesses to expand.

“Plaid Cymru want to take immediate steps to increase apprenticeship places – we secured a concession from the Labour government last year to create 5,000 extra apprentice places, we want to work with Welsh businesses to boost skill levels so young people leaving our schools and colleges are equipped for the 21st century economy and we want to put business in the driving seat in seeking out opportunities to expand and export.

“These steps will triple lock a youth employment recovery and will put Wales in the strongest possible position for long-term sustainable growth. Plaid Cymru’s vision is to see Welsh communities benefitting from a nimble Welsh economy and workforce with the skills, the infrastructure and the confidence to create and retain high-paid and highly skilled jobs.”

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