The Romans Run Riot at Cardiff Castle

The Romans return in force to Cardiff Castle, on Sat 14 May – Sun 15 May, 10am – 5.30pm, some 1,600 years after the last legionary soldier left the Roman fort once located on this site.

With the help of a detachment of Roman soldiers in full military regalia, the Castle will become the focus for full-on Roman action once again.  Military displays, complete with artillery and a working Catapulta, (bolt thrower), demonstrations of sophisticated fighting techniques and battle tactics will explain why the Romans were such a formidable force.   The living history displays and encampment will illustrate everyday Roman life too and there will be a full –on fashion show of the latest Roman trends. With plenty of participation for children, including dressing-up, children’s drills and games, it will be a day of total immersion in all things Roman.

For centuries, Cardiff Castle’s Roman past remained hidden and forgotten beneath banks of earth until 1888 when the 3rd Marquess of Bute’s workmen made an amazing discovery and uncovered the original stone wall of the Roman fort.  Such was the excitement, Lord Bute, a rich and scholarly patron, ordered that the Roman walls be reconstructed. The walls you see today surrounding Cardiff Castle mark the foot print of the Roman fort and the original stonework is clearly identified by being outlined in red sandstone.

The event is free to Cardiff Castle Key Holders and Season Ticket Holders

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