The Survey Says…

People living in the Dyfed Powys area have been asked how well they think the Police and Local Council are dealing with anti social behaviour and crime locally.

Figures show that all recorded crime has fallen 7.1% from April 2009- January 2010, compared to the previous year, and that detections have risen 3.5% for the same period to a total of 47.9% of all crimes detected. Dyfed Powys Police is still one of the best performing Police Forces in England and Wales.

The results of the last two local surveys are now available and they show that the results are comparable to the annual British Crime Survey figures.

The local surveys, carried out in October 2009 and February 2010, show that an average of 47% of residents questioned either strongly agree or tend to agree that the Police and Local Council deal with crime and anti social behaviour in their area.

In the annual British Crime Survey (BCS) the score for the whole force area shows 48% of residents strongly agree or tend to agree with the question.

“The Home Office provided funding for each Force to carry out local surveys as the BCS does not go down to local levels, the figures are only collated for the whole Force area,” said Assistant Chief Constable Nick Ingram.

“We used a variety of methods to carry out the local surveys, including some face to face interviews, surveys handed out by our Neighbourhood Policing Teams and postal questionnaires.

“We were pleased to see the figures locally match those for the whole Force area. The data provides us with robust information that both the Police and our Local Council partners can put to use.

Dyfed Powys is a safe place with low crime, we need to get better at telling people what we as a force are doing with the Local Council to tackle instances of anti social behaviour and crime when they occur. It is important to us all that our resident feel safe and are aware of all the hard work that goes into keeping them safe.

“We are after all one of the best performing Police Forces in England and Wales – it is important that we remember that and that we put these figures into context.”


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