The word on the street on the Blaenau improvement project

An exciting project to bring the Blaenau Ffestiniog regeneration scheme to life through words, thoughts and poetry is underway.

Local school children will be working with poets and musicians to create and compose enough words to stretch for a quarter of a kilometre along the streets of the historic town as part of the £4.5 million project to breath new life into Blaenau.

Poet and author Dewi Prysor has been appointed to lead the exciting project by organizing workshops at local schools, taking ideas from residents and other poets from the area.

Some workshops have already been held with local musicians and poets. The words will be inscribed in slate by artist Howard Bowcott, working with local companies, and installed on High Street and Church Street.

Dewi Prysor said: ”I hope that we will receive all sorts of ideas, some about Blaenau as it is today and how it used to be. They could be short statements, or local sayings that reflect the area’s history. Some could relate to specific shops and who knows perhaps we could fit them outside of those particular shops in town. We’re especially short of ideas revolving around the local weather system and unique sayings from the quarries.

“Street art is to be seen in towns and cities across Europe and this is an excellent opportunity for residents to give their unique stamp on work that will be seen in the town for years and generations to come.”

Richard Thomas, a member of the Blaenau Ymlaen regeneration group, which is developing the project in partnership with Gwynedd Council and the Welsh Assembly Government, said: “The aim of the project is to celebrate the area’s rich history and culture, and this particular project is a great opportunity to do this.”

Councillor Paul Thomas added: “We want to get local people involved in the project.”

To contribute to the scheme, or for more information, contact [email protected], call 01766 512499 or write to Blaenau Ymlaen, Cymunedau’n Gyntaf, Stryd Fawr, Blaenau Ffestiniog, LL41 3AG.

Councillor Dewi Lewis, Gwynedd Council’s Economy and Community Portfolio Leader added: “This is an exciting time for Blaenau Ffestiniog. The hard work which has already been carried out means that the regeneration work will get underway later in the year.

“The Word on the Street project is a great opportunity to include local culture in the project and to demonstrate the unique character of Blaenau Ffestiniog.”

The regeneration project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, Welsh Assembly Government and Gwynedd Council Work and work is due to begin in the autumn.

The project aims to create a lively shopping destination, as well as developing the town into a major visitor destination. Residents’ opinions have given clear steer to the town centre work with people stating that plans should be based on the area’s traditions and heritage.

Photograph: Musician Gai Toms and Dewi Prysor hold a Word on the Street Workshop at Ysgol y Moelwyn.

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