Think before you park

Illegal and problem parking across the county is set to be tackled by Pembrokeshire County Council.

The Council will be taking over responsibility for the enforcement of on-street parking from Dyfed Powys Police on February 1st, 2011.

The Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) team will be out seven days a week, including evenings.

Any vehicle found parked in contravention of restrictions will be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

By encouraging motorists to comply with parking restrictions, the new scheme aims to improve road safety, traffic flow, and the environment.

Councillor Jamie Adams, Cabinet Member for Highways and Planning, said there would be several benefits.

“The scheme aims to improve conditions and safety for drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and people with disabilities, as well as the reliability of public transport.

“It intends to reduce the misuse of disabled parking bays, and delays to emergency vehicles.

“We also hope it will help tackle problem parking around schools and residential areas.”

The PCN will be £50 or £70 depending on the seriousness of the offence.

A discount of 50% will apply if the penalty is paid within 14 days, reducing the charge to £25 or £35.

All revenue from penalty charges will be used by the Council to fund enforcement, and any surplus money will be used to fund local parking, highway and transport improvements in accordance with legal requirements.

Top tips to avoid a fine:

  • Don’t park where yellow line waiting or loading restrictions are in force
  • Always read the road signs – they tell you what restrictions apply
  • Don’t park on zigzag lines
  • Only park in loading bays if you are loading/ unloading goods
  • Only park in bays reserved for disabled badge holders or residents if you are entitled to do so
  • Make sure you have paid and displayed in a car park

For more information on the new Civil Parking Enforcement Policy, view or phone the County Council’s Contact Centre on 01437 764551.

Photograph: Some of Pembrokeshire’s new parking assistants preparing for their new role

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