Tidy idea as Gwynedd pupils plant trees

Children from five schools across Gwynedd learned about the environmental benefits of planting and protecting trees – and then put their knowledge to work by planting native broadleaves in the school grounds.

The trees were provided by Forestry Commission Wales’s Woodlands for Learning (WfL) team, who visited the schools beforehand to discuss how trees can help the environment in many ways, from providing homes for wildlife to fighting climate change.

Teachers joined pupils for the tree planting, which was organised in partnership with Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns team.

The five schools involved were Ysgol Abercaseg, Bethesda; Ysgol Crud y Werin, Aberdaron; Ysgol Cymerau, Pwllheli; Ysgol Bontnewydd near Caernarfon and Ysgol Coed Menai, Bangor.

Sarah Collick, WfL Education Officer for Gwynedd, said, “The schools wanted to increase the amount of trees in their school grounds – for learning and for wildlife.

“We talked to the children about what kind of wildlife lives in the woods and might use these trees when they’ve grown, such as squirrels, birds and insects – and also about the various uses for trees, such as to provide heating, to make paper and to tackle climate change.

“Through planting trees and watching them grow, the children get a real sense of achievement and feel they can do something practical to improve the environment.”

The schools planted between 15 and 80 trees, for a variety of reasons:

Ysgol Abercaseg planted trees in an area. adjoining an existing wood, Ysgol Cymerau added more trees along a fence line in a wooded wildlife area, as did Ysgol Coed Menai.

Ysgol Crud y Werin had no trees and wanted to create little copses for the children to play in. They also planted one tree in the infants’ area to provide shade for the younger children.

Ysgol Bontnewydd already had plenty of trees after planting a Welsh varieties orchard with the help of a grant to improve the school grounds. They planted 15 trees in an area they have designated for woodland by the river.

Tidy Towns co-ordinator Iona Thomas said, “Planting trees is a great way for children to improve their environment.

“We were delighted to work with Forestry Commission Wales on this project, which enabled children to learn about the benefits of planting trees while giving them a sense of pride in where they live.”

Photograph: Ysgol Crud y Werin tree planters pose proudly with Forestry Commission Wales Education Officer Sarah Collick (left) and Gwynedd Tidy Towns Officer Iona Lewis Thomas
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