Tidy Towns funding – final call for projects

Community groups, schools and voluntary organisations in Flintshire are being reminded to send in their applications for the latest round of Welsh Assembly Government Tidy Towns funding.

The submission deadline for the FINAL round is 5pm 29th October 2010

Projects need to support Flintshire’s Town Action Plan programme, which the County Council has adopted to address town centre regeneration priorities in Connah’s Quay, Buckley, Flint, Holywell, Mold, Queensferry and Shotton.

Projects should focus on lasting improvements to the environment and measures to boost the vitality of towns.

Activities will typically involve:

  • Clearance of litter and fly tipping
  • Environmental improvements
  • Access improvements
  • Enhancements to biodiversity and habitats
  • Positive uses for neglected sites to prevent reoccurring problems

The programme is designed for both larger and smaller scale projects:

Larger Town Projects – for grant funding between £1,000 and £15,000

For an application form and further advice on eligibility, please contact Hywel Dodd at BTCV on (01978) 261538 or mobile: 07764655717, or e-mail [email protected].

Small-scale Clean Ups – for grant funding of up to £1,000

For an application form and advice on eligibility, please contact Judith Wright at Keep Wales Tidy on 07717 495 188, or e-mail [email protected]. Please note that this funding stream is very limited and it will be administered on a first come first served basis.


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