Top Marks for Bute Park

Peacefulness, size and location have been confirmed amongst the most popular reasons that people like to visit Bute Park.

During a consultation process carried out during the winter, park users also gave high scores for grounds maintenance, formal floral displays and the work of the park rangers.

Pram and wheelchair accessibility, the condition of pathways and provision of special events were also rated highly.

The consultation consisted of a100 face-to-face interviews completed with visitors to Bute Park as well as the distribution of electronic questionnaires and information tweeted via the Council’s Twitter account.

Almost 650 people returned completed questionnaires giving information about what they like about the park and what improvements they would like to see for the future.

On a whole the responses were very positive with users providing additional comments describing the park as “…the most fantastic open space of any city that I have visited” and “…an oasis in a busy city centre where you can find peace and where visitors to the city can enjoy and admire the surroundings”.

Other features of the park also received encouraging feedback such as the Nursery Education Centre which was praised for the quality of building, café facilities, public toilets and the appropriateness of facilities.

The plans for the West Lodge refurbishment and tea room boasted a 95.4% approval rate with users saying ‘yes’ they would use the facility.

Executive Member for Sport, Leisure and Culture, Cllr Nigel Howells said: “Bute Park consistently carries out consultations and surveys to ensure its users are happy with the park and the facilities.

“The suggestions of the public are important to us so that we can improve this already magnificent public space.

“These latest results positively demonstrate that the park is well used and is a vital asset to the city and one which continues to attract new and existing users.

”The results from the surveys show what a positive impact the investment from HLF and the Council have had on maintaining and preserving this beautiful land as well as the contributions made from the hard working team who help look after the park.”


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