Torfaen Burglary Team make 45 Arrests in Three Months

A police operation launched to reduce numbers of burglaries in Torfaen has begun very successfully.

A dedicated team of four police officers and two detectives was launched three months ago and so far 45 people have been arrested on suspicion of committing burglaries in the area.

Twelve have already been charged with specific burglaries where jewellery, laptops and other electrical items were stolen. The others have been bailed pending further enquiries.

The burglary team investigate break-ins in the area, target known offenders and educate residents on how to prevent themselves from becoming a victim of burglary.

Crime figures show that the recent arrests, combined with targeted patrols, have significantly reduced the numbers of burglaries happening in Torfaen.

Since the burglary team was set up at the beginning of November 2010, the monthly amount of burglaries has fallen from 64 in October to 33 last month (a drop of 48%).

The following statistics show the number of burglaries and attempted burglaries recorded in Torfaen during the three months prior to the burglary team’s launch:

  • August 2010 – 54
  • September 2010 – 51
  • October 2010 – 64

Below are the figures since the launch of the Torfaen burglary team:

  • November 2010 – 53
  • December 2010 – 42
  • January 2011 – 33

Officers now expect the figures to fall further now burglars they have arrested are behind bars, or in the courts system.

Detective Inspector Leanne Brustad, who is leading the burglary team, said: “These latest figures show we have reacted quickly to reduce a temporary surge in burglaries.

“The burglary team has proved to be very successful and I want to reassure the residents of Torfaen that we will stop these criminals from offending.

“The team that has been set up is working very hard to find additional witnesses to burglaries and to use forensic evidence to bring charges against suspected culprits.”

Residents are reminded to keep their homes secure at all times and report anything suspicious, no matter how small, to Gwent Police.

Anyone with information that may help burglary investigations should call Gwent Police on 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.


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