Tough local government settlement but Wrexham Coucil comes out top say AM

Despite a tough local government settlement for the next financial year, Wrexham Council will have the largest percentage increase in Wales, according to Wrexham’s Assembly Member, Lesley Griffiths.

The AM was commenting following an announcement by the Welsh Assembly Government on the provisional local government settlement for 2010-11.

Whilst the average increase in support towards spending for local authorities from the Welsh Assembly Government will be 2.1%, Wrexham County Brough Council is set to receive a 3.1% increase for 2010-11 – the joint largest increase (along with Newport) or any other local authority in Wales.

Commenting on the statement, Lesley Griffiths AM said:

“Against the background of the current financial climate, this is a particularly tough time for all public expenditure including that of local authorities. Indeed, the next few years are going to very tough for all councils in Wales and some serious decisions are going to have to be made in terms of how services are delivered in the future.

“However, for next year, Wrexham Council has received the highest settlement in Wales from the Welsh Assembly Government by receiving a 3.1 per cent increase.

“Ever since I was elected, I have lobbied hard to make sure Wrexham Council gets its fair share of the Government ‘cake’. So from that perspective, I am pleased the Welsh Assembly Government have listened to my call and increased Wrexham share of support.”

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