Toys Help Caerphilly Towns

Buddug Britton and Jan Lewis, organisers of the toy collection with toys at Zodiac Seatk UK in Cwmbran

Buddug Britton and Jan Lewis, organisers of the toy collection with toys at Zodiac Seatk UK in Cwmbran

Kind hearted staff at Zodiac Seats UK in Cwmbran recently offered to help restock Caerphilly County Borough Council’s toy library by holding a toy appeal.

Nearly 100 pre-loved and unwanted toys were donated by generous staff who brought the toys in over a 4 week period.  Some toys were brand new and had not been taken out of their packaging.

Caerphilly County Borough Council’s toy library loans out toys to those in need in the Upper Rhymney Valley region, which is the most economically deprived area in Caerphilly borough.

The toy library currently has 98 families registered with them and supports individuals that are vulnerable, including young mums and those with mental health issues.  The toy library helps to bring fun and play to those that would not normally be able to afford to buy toys for their children.  It’s a vital link to the community for some of its members.

The toy library service provides home visits where toys are loaned out to those in need, organise play sessions and playgroups in community centres, local libraries and also run a baby club.

The toys that staff Zodiac Seats UK donated will be used for play sessions and form part of a catalogue of toys that are loaned out.

Buddug Britton from Zodiac Seats UK said, “We are really pleased to help the toy library replenish its stock, it’s really great that our staff have been to able to donate unwanted toys that would normally have been thrown out to be reused by those who really need them in the community.  We hope the toys donated will help encourage existing and new members to the service.”

The toy libraries Facebook page is and they can be contacted on 01443 878093.

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