Trouble getting on the property ladder?

Keen to tackle the lack of affordable housing in the area, Monmouthshire County Council’s Scrutiny Members have produced a report which they hope will assist local people in the county to buy their own home. Over the past year members of the Council’s Strong Communities Select Committee have spoken to residents looking for affordable properties and have produced a report of their conclusions.

Chair of the Task and Finish Group, Councillor Simon Howarth explained: “We regularly hear how difficult it is for people to get on the housing ladder and the long wait for rented accommodation.  Many people simply cannot afford to buy a property in the county in which they were born and raised and they are often forced to move to neighbouring counties where the house prices are much lower.  This is very sad and is something we need to address if we are going to sustain the vibrant and thriving rural communities that Monmouthshire is known for”.

Councillor Phyl Hobson, the report’s author adds: “We decided to scrutinise this because we feel strongly that people deserve to have a place to call home and to be able to build a future with confidence…we hope our report goes some way towards making this happen.”

The committee plans to submit its report to the Council’s Cabinet on Wednesday 15th June at 2pm and will make recommendations on the provision of more affordable housing for local people across Monmouthshire.

For a copy of the report log onto the cabinet agenda or contact:
Hazel Ilett, Scrutiny Manager on 01633 644233 or email [email protected]


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