Try something new at Cardiff’s new library

In January we all make New Year’s resolutions or promise ourselves that this year we will get a new job, new look, or learn a new skill, but it can be difficult to muster the will power to make a change. However this year is different as Cardiff Central Library is on hand to make sure your 2010 equals a new you.

Make Cardiff Central Library part of your fresh start, with a special day of activities at the library on Thusday 21st of January, between 12pm and 7pm.

The free event at the library will be a one stop shop for those looking to get fit, improve their health, de-stress or
further their career.

Events taking place include –
*     Reflexology
*     Fitness Advice
*     CV Makeovers
*     Massage
*     Nutrition
*     Homeopathy
*     Fitness Testing
*     Careers Advice
*     Reiki
*     Beauty Advice
*     Face Analysis
*     Rolfing (highly skilled technique of manipulating the body’s connective tissues in order to release stress patterns)

Executive Member for Sport, Culture and Leisure, Cllr Nigel Howells, said: “When we built and designed the Cardiff
Central Library our vision was to mix traditional library services, such as book loans with modern ways of informing,
educating and entertaining library users.

“The New Year, New You event is the first of many events this year, that will see the library being used in a different way to how you might expect. Along with the event on the 21st we have comedy workshops, live music, poetry nights and much more throughout the year. I would encourage residents to visit Cardiff Central Library and find out about the fantastic programme of events.”

To find out more about the event visit or contact Cardiff Central
Library The Hayes Cardiff, Tel: 029 2038 2116. Email: [email protected]

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