Turning a problem into a resource

The four highest scoring solutions have been selected and invited to progress to the next stage of the procurement, for the Prosiect Gwyrdd Contract.

Cllr Mark Stephens, Chairman of the Joint Committee, governing the project said: “The evaluation of the ‘Outline Solutions’ was extensive, looking specifically at technical assessment, service delivery and the deliverability and integrity of proposed solutions including ensuring that each solution would be able to meet Environment Agency standards.

“All partners share the aspirations of the Towards Zero Waste Strategy published by the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) so we have ensured that the bids going forward are consistent with those principles.”

The following participants have been invited to submit ‘Detailed Solutions’ (in alphabetical order):

Covanta Energy Ltd: Covanta Energy Ltd is proposing a merchant Energy from Waste (EfW) facility located at Brig y Cwm, Merthyr Tydfil.

Veolia ES Aurora Ltd: Veolia ES Aurora Ltd is proposing an Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) located at Bowlease Common, South of the existing Corus Llanwern Steelworks, Newport.

Viridor Waste Management Ltd: Viridor Waste Management Ltd is proposing a merchant Energy from Waste (EfW) with Combined Heat and Power facility located at Trident Park, Cardiff.

Waste Recycling Group Ltd: Waste Recycling Group Ltd is proposing an Energy from Waste (EfW) facility located at the Solutia UK site in Traston Road, Newport.

The project will deliver a contract to provide residual waste treatment facilities for the five partner authorities in partnership with the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG), after recycling and composting has been maximised in each area. The WAG has set a minimum 70% recycling and composting target, and partner authorities have developed waste strategies to strive towards a 65% combined target with at least a further 5% being recovered through the residual waste treatment process.

Cllr Mark Stephens, Chairman of the Joint Committee, governing the project, continued: “The priority for each partner authority is to recycle and compost as much waste as possible. Our targets are clear and local authority recycling and composting schemes have been and will continue to be developed to reduce the reliance on landfill and to strive towards the landfill diversions targets that have been set. We acknowledge and are grateful for the financial assistance provided by WAG which allows us to develop the infrastructure and capacity to meet these challenging targets.”

“Each authority in Wales will also be procuring a solution for this ‘black bag’ waste, as landfill is no longer an option both environmentally and economically. The participants selected now have been invited to submit detailed solutions”.

Following the Pre Qualification stage, eight participants were invited to submit ‘Outline Solutions’, five solutions were received from the market place and four participants have been invited to submit ‘Detailed Solutions’.

After each procurement phase is complete, the marking scheme will be made available on the website to ensure that stakeholders and the public can see how the participants have been assessed while abiding by EU Procurement Legislation.

The Participant’s proposals that have come forward are based on the predicted waste types which will make up the ‘residual waste’, after recovering the majority of waste from the kerbside. Facilities will be provided to divert dry recyclables, garden waste and food waste through kerbside collections, as well as providing recycling facilities for larger items at household waste recycling centres.

For more information go to the Prosiect Gwyrdd website.

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