Tywo Valley Sculpture Trail

Tywi Valley residents have backed plans for a sculpture trail to celebrate the area’s heritage.

Dozens of people have supported the project at Tregyb Woods.

A series of sculptures including door mice, a heron and an otter have been commissioned for the scheme, which is part of the £2.4 million Tywi Afon yr Oesoedd project.

Educational leaflets will be published for visitors to follow the trail and learn about the area.

The aim is to conserve the region’s history and create a legacy for future generations.

The plan follows extensive consultation with the community about a sculpture in the area.

Initial suggestions for a St Teilo statue in Llandeilo were rejected in favour of enhancing the woodland trail.

Project Manager Emma Rees said: “A community consultation was held because we wanted to provide an open opportunity for discussions.

“It was a huge success with many exciting ideas brought forward, and as a result we will be developing a sculpture trail at Tregyb Woods.

“Once completed, it will provide fantastic opportunities for all of the community, especially children, to develop a better understanding of their landscape.

“This is an ideal project for Tywi Afon Yr Oesoedd to assist in strengthening links between the community and the landscape.”

Tywi Afon yr Oesoedd is a £2.4 million Landscape Partnership Scheme led by Carmarthenshire County Council.

It is aimed at conserving the area’s landscape, biodiversity and history, as well as creating a legacy for future generations.

The project has received £1.5 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund, and £557,378 through the Rural Development Plan for Wales which is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

It has also received funding from the Countryside Council for Wales, and support from the National Trust and Menter Bro Dinefwr.

Council Regeneration Executive Board Member cllr Clive Scourfield said the project was bringing a real boost to the Tywi Valley.

He said: “Tywi Afon Yr Oesoedd is a very exciting scheme which supports the innovative work that the council is leading to support and develop our communities.”

The Tywi Afon Yr Oesoedd team is based at the Tywi Centre at Dinefwr Farm, Llandeilo.

For further information email [email protected] or call 01558 824271.

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