UEFA Grassroots Football Day

This month over 200 hundred children will take part in a football event to celebrate UEFA’s Grass roots Day.

The event organised by Sport.Cardiff, The Welsh Football Trust and the Cardiff and District Football League will celebrate the success of their partnership in delivering local football provision for children.

Up to 33 teams from the under 7s Cardiff and District League are to attend the event which celebrates grassroots football across all 53 UEFA member associations.

The Under 7s Cardiff and District League was developed 18 months ago and has already doubled in size to 200 participants.

It is the first time in the history of the league that this age group has been organised.

The UEFA Grassroots Day aims to show that elite football cannot flourish without healthy foundations in the grassroots and relays the message that football is open and accessible to all.

Executive Member for Sport, Leisure and Culture, Cllr Nigel Howells said: “The under 7s football league has been a huge local success and has been an example of the achievements that have stemmed from this joint partnership.

“Sport.Cardiff is committed to providing opportunity so that grassroots sport can be nurtured and developed, a key part of our Olympic legacy following London 2012.”

The Welsh Football Trust, Chief Executive, Neil Ward said: “ This event will showcase the success of our partnership with the Council and the Cardiff and District League in providing more opportunities for children to take part and fall in love with the game, leading to what we hope will be a life-long involvement in football and physical activity generally.

“UEFA’s promotion of grass roots football through events such as this is important because it highlights their contribution to the future prosperity of the game.”


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