Unique gift for Archbishop

A unique and priceless gift which will last hundreds of years will be presented to the Archbishop of Canterbury this weekend as he is granted the Freedom of the City of Swansea.

Calligraphy expert Judith Porch, who teaches with Swansea Council’s Adult Community Learning (ACL) Service, is producing the Freedom scroll for Dr Rowan Williams, as she has done for other eminent figures granted the Freedom of Swansea. These have included HRH the Prince of Wales, President Jimmy Carter, Lord Callaghan and 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards.

Judith, who began teaching Calligraphy for the Lifelong Learning Service back in 1989, said “The Freedom scroll which I have created for Dr Rowan Williams is unique and designed especially for him.

“It will be framed and written on vellum which will last for hundreds of years. The techniques that I use date back to the 5th Century AD.  They incorporate almost pure gold in both powder and leaf form for the illumination.”

In an age of email and text messaging, the ancient skill of Calligraphy or “beautiful writing” is continuing to grow in popularity in Swansea. Judith now takes three classes every week and Swansea Lifelong Learning Calligraphy students have been producing exquisite, prize-winning pieces of work.

Judith began creating “fancy letters” in her rough book at the tender age of eight, and explains how the art continues to exert a pull on students.

“Calligraphy offers students the opportunity to produce something unique and personal.  This is in complete contrast to e-mail and text where content rather than beauty is the priority.

“Modern trained calligraphers are becoming scarce with only a handful in Wales.  They produce important ceremonial documents such as Freedom Scrolls and Bibles which are meant to stand the test of time.”

With three Calligraphy classes to choose from Swansea’s Adult and Community Learning Service, it’s a good time to take up your pen. For inspiration an exhibition of students’ work is being staged  in the Foyer of Swansea’s Civic Centre until 9th August.

Judith said, “I am very proud of all of my students’ achievements.  For some students, calligraphy offers the opportunity to try something artistic, without the need to be able to draw, whilst for others it is the chance to meet like-minded individuals and participate in a group.

“Calligraphy requires patience and time to become proficient and as a result it is completely absorbing.  It can be challenging but this only increases the feeling of success for students when they produce a finished piece of work.”

To view the full 2010-2011 Lifelong Learning Service programme and download an enrolment form please visit www.swansea.gov.uk/lifelonglearning


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