Unsung Hero Award 2009

Pembrokeshire County Council is looking for its Unsung Heroes for 2009.

Have you experienced excellent customer service from a Council employee that you’d like to tell us about?

It might have been from someone in a school, library or leisure centre or maybe from a home carer, car park attendant or payment clerk.

If someone has put your needs first and delivered a really excellent service, then we want to hear about it!

To make sure the Council employee you want to nominate is in with a chance of winning the title, nominations must be received by Friday 20th November 2009.

You can make your nomination online via the Council website at www.pembrokeshire.gov.uk or telephone our Customer Contact Centre on 01437 764551 and ask for a nomination form to be posted or emailed to you.

Alternatively, you can call into one of our Customer Service Centres at Haverfordwest, Fishguard, Milford or Pembroke Dock and ask for a form.

Please return your completed form to: Paul Young, The Development Centre, London Road, Pembroke Dock SA72 6TT or email paul.young@pembrokeshire.gov.uk


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