Urgent Works Notice – former North Wales Hospital site

Denbighshire County Council has served an Urgent Works Notice on the owners of the former North Wales Hospital, Fremont (Denbigh) Ltd.

The Notice advises the owners that it is the Council’s intention to enter the site in two weeks time to begin the process of making the most important part of the main building weather tight and to provide a security fence.

Phil Ebbrell, Denbighshire’s Conservation Architect, said: “The Council has become increasingly concerned at the condition of the grade 2* listed building. Despite repeated requests the owners have failed to carry out any repairs sufficient to stop the deterioration of the building or to improve security.

“It is disappointing that this has become necessary but despite several requests and two warning letters the owners have taken no action, therefore there is no alternative for us but to use the powers in the listed building legislation to ensure that the work is done”.

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