Vandals tackled in Denbigh park

Denbighshire County Council, North Wales Police and local community representatives would like to reassure residents that they are taking recent vandalism and anti-social behaviour in a local park seriously.

Lower Park in Denbigh has been subjected to attacks of vandalism and anti social behaviour in recent weeks which have prevented many local residents from using the facilities.

Jamie Groves, Head of Denbighshire’s Leisure Services said, “We are aware that local members and the police have received a number of complaints about a group of youths who persistently seem to think it is their right to spoil the use of the park for other residents.  It is terrible that skaters are not able to use the new skate park because of the vandalism and broken glass that is there.  They are now having to go to Ruthin and Rhyl to practise and this is not acceptable.”

Inspector Dewi Roberts said, “Local police are monitoring the area and have an ongoing operation and enquiries which will identify the offenders as regards offences of vandalism and anti social behaviour. We want to assure local residents that I expect zero tolerance from the local officers when it comes to dealing with vandalism and anti social behaviour.

“In addition we are working with the community safety partnership on measures to make it easier to monitor the area as a whole and take appropriate action against those who misuse the facility. I would encourage any member of the public who has any information relating to these incidents to call North Wales Police by calling 101 or dialling 999 in an emergency.  I would also like to point out from my own personal observations that the vast majority of young people using this facility are well behaved and are using the park facilities for the activities it is meant for and I would encourage them to keep using their local facility.”

Alison Devine, on behalf of the Lower Park Association added, “We have met with representatives from the council and the local police and we are determined that together we will strive to return Lower Park to the residents so that they can enjoy the variety of facilities on offer.  It is a shame that just a few can spoil the area for the rest of the community.”


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