View Denbighshire’s Local Housing Strategy

denbighshirePeople have a chance to shape the future of housing and housing related services in Denbighshire.

The Council needs feedback on the draft Local Housing Strategy that is currently out for consultation.

Housing faces some significant challenges over the coming years. The Council needs to:

  • Encourage economic and housing growth
  • Mitigating the impact of Welfare Reform and the increased demand for services
  • Promote and increase availability in the private rented housing sector
  • Addressing the high levels of deprivation in areas such as Rhyl West and Upper Denbigh & Henllan.

A spokesman said:

“It is important that the Council has input from key partners, stakeholders and the community, to ensure the housing strategy is robust, realistic and meets these challenges.”

Vsit where you will find a copy of the strategy or paper copies can be provided on request by phoning 01824 712282.
