Visitors Enjoy Cardiff

Ninety-nine per cent of visitors who come to Cardiff would recommend a visit to the city, according to the 2010 Cardiff Visitor Survey.

Over 1,200 visitors were interviewed between June and September last year for Cardiff Council’s Tourism Development & Visitor Services group, and perceptions of Cardiff were very positive with 95 per cent agreeing they had been made to feel welcome, and 90 per cent agreeing Cardiff is a vibrant and lively city.

Over half of the respondents reported their visit was better than they’d expected, and almost every one of them described their visit as enjoyable, or very enjoyable.

Almost a third of all visitors were from Wales, with 42 per cent from England and 26 per cent from overseas and approximately two-thirds had visited the city previously. Over half (53 per cent) of visitors reached Cardiff by private car, approximately a quarter (24 per cent) had travelled by train and 10 per cent by public bus or coach.

Comparisons with previous surveys allow changes to be tracked over time. For example, not surprisingly 40 per cent of respondents in 2010 used the internet to plan their visit compared with 21 per cent in 2007 and even fewer in 2005.

Some responses remain consistent, however – interest in the city’s history is always one of the top reasons visitors give for choosing to come to Cardiff, and the most popular locations visited are Cardiff Bay, Cardiff Castle and the shops.

Cllr Nigel Howells, Cardiff Council’s Executive Member for Sport Leisure and Culture, welcomed the findings.

He said: “Those of us who live and work here know that Cardiff’s got a lot to offer, particularly in terms of our heritage, but it’s heartening to know that our visitors feel the same way.  It’s particularly pleasing that visitors say they’re made to feel welcome, which is a great tribute to the people of Cardiff.

“Visitor numbers are holding up, despite the economic uncertainty, but we have to stay ahead of the game to keep Cardiff on people’s list of ‘must-see’ destinations. The detailed feedback we get from the Visitor Survey helps us understand what our visitors want and expect, and informs decisions about future developments, not only by the council but by partner organisations and potential inward investors.”

Local Blue Badge tour guide, Steve Griffin of Griffin Guiding, said the survey reflected comments from his clients.

“The visitors I meet are often here for the first – and possibly only – time and many of them don’t know much about Cardiff beforehand. But the feedback I get at the end of a tour is always positive, with many people saying they’d got far more than they’d expected out of their visit.

“From a guide’s point of view, Cardiff is a wonderful place to work because it has so much to offer visitors of all ages and interests and this is reflected in the Council’s survey. It’s always satisfying to send visitors on their way with a positive impression of the city, and promising to tell everyone they know what a good time they’ve had.”

The survey was undertaken for Cardiff Council’s Tourism Development & Visitor Services group by Cardiff Research Centre, to analyse the profile and behaviour of visitors to the city. The findings support business planning, marketing activity and the development of services and facilities for visitors.

Copies of the full report are available from the council’s Tourism Development & Visitor Services group, on (029) 2087 2523, or [email protected].


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