Volunteers recognised for contributions to play

Scores of volunteers have been rewarded for their contribution to children’s play in Swansea thanks to a special event.

Over 70 volunteers who give up their time to ensure thousands of children across the city get access to fun play opportunities were invited for afternoon tea with the Lord Mayor at the Mansion House in Sketty.

Each volunteer is involved with one of the 28 community-led open access play projects funded by the annual Play Fund. The fund is run by Swansea Council’s Play Team who support each project through guidance and training.

Stephen Cable, Children’s Play Officer, said: “Regular play not only helps children develop their social skills but also helps spark their imaginations and improve their problem-solving and analytical skills.

“The pace of modern life and other factors mean many children don’t get the same access to play opportunities nowadays as they would have had in the past and this is why play schemes are so important.

“Our team works with around 200 community volunteers who provide an invaluable service that’s vital in developing and maintaining local play opportunities.”

Have a look at www.swansea.gov.uk/play for more information about play opportunities in Swansea.


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