Wales’ Rural Affairs Minister dismisses media reports

Wales’ Rural Affairs Minister, Elin Jones, today dismissed media reports which claim all Britain’s national forests are to be sold off.

She said:

“Recent media reports suggesting that Welsh forests would be among those to be sold off are unhelpful, misleading and without foundation. Forestry is a devolved matter and decisions affecting the future of Wales’ national forests lie with Welsh Ministers, not with Westminster.

“I believe the national forest is an important asset to Wales, providing access, employment, support for the timber and tourism industries and has a major role to play in helping us to tackle climate change.

“The activities of the Forestry Commission in Wales are currently under review as part of the wider review of environmental delivery bodies which will be concluded early next year. I am also in contact with my counterparts in England and Scotland to ensure that the needs of Wales are considered as part of any proposals to change the management of forestry in England.”


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