Wanted: local knowledge about Monmouthshire and Newport

Residents are being asked to share their local knowledge with Monmouthshire County Council’s tourism section as it starts to develop the 2011 edition of the Wye Valley & Vale of Usk visitor guide.

A call for ideas was made in 2009 and resulted in many suggestions which were used in the current visitor guide. This year, tourism officers would like to hear from people who any ideas or pieces of information based on the following themes:

  • Quirky or unusual places to stay or things to see and do
  • New businesses (places to stay, restaurants, shops, galleries, etc) that have opened in the last twelve months
  • Famous names connected with the area – particularly people who currently live here or who have associations with this area
  • Awards won by local businesses in the last twelve months
  • Local choirs with which visitors can sing during their stay
  • Personal recommendation to visitors for a place to visit or thing to do during their stay

The local visitor guide for Monmouthshire and Newport has been widely praised throughout the tourism industry for the way in which it tells the story of the area in innovative ways, especially in speaking to local people, whose work and achievements make a real difference to visitors.

Mark Jones, Tourism Marketing Officer for Monmouthshire County Council, said:

“We’re continually trying to find new ways to tell the story of the Wye Valley & Vale of Usk.”

“As a tourism section, we’re kept well informed about developments in the local area but it’s not always possible to keep up to date with everything that’s going on.

“That’s why we were so pleased with the response to last year’s call for ideas, and why we hope that local people will come forward again with some brilliant suggestions for stories to feature in the 2011 visitor guide.”

The annual visitor guide is the main item of print produced by the council’s tourism section to promote the local authority areas of Monmouthshire and Newport. 70,000 copies will be printed, and distributed via tourist information centres, Visit Wales, direct mail and targeted campaigns.

Anyone with a story to tell or information to share, should send details to: Tourism Section, Monmouthshire County Council, 6th Floor, County Hall, Cwmbran, NP44 2XH, or email [email protected].


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