Warning from Flintshire Trading Standards

Flintshire County Council Trading Standards Service is warning consumers to beware of counterfeit auto- spray air freshener refills that may be dangerous.

As part of routine visits Trading Standards officers have found counterfeit Airwick and Airfresh air fresheners being sold on Mold Market. Initial tests on these items have shown that some cans may contain excessive amounts of methanol. Genuine Airwick auto spray refills contain 5% methanol and are entirely safe for use. Some counterfeit items sold elsewhere in the UK have been found to contain much higher levels. Methanol at high levels can be dangerous and inhalation may cause headaches, nausea, and even loss of consciousness.

The counterfeit containers are easily identifiable. Unlike genuine Air Wick cans the label does not go all the way around the can leaving a silver strip all the way down one side of the can.

If consumers have purchased, or suspect they have purchased, any of the counterfeit items they must stop using them immediately and should contact their local Trading Standards Service with details of where they purchased them. Any suspect canisters must be stored away from sources of heat and returned to where they were purchased.

Reputable retailers buy their products either direct from the manufacturer or through recognised wholesale outlets and consumers can have confidence that they are purchasing genuine and safe products.


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