Warning on domestic oil thefts from North Wales Police

Police are urging people to be vigilant after a number of thefts of heating oil in Flintshire.

Oil has been stolen recently in the Lixwm, Halkyn and Pentre Halkyn areas, and police are urging residents to take extra precautions.

Sergeant John Williams said: “The theft of domestic heating oil has been a problem for a number of years, but increases in oil prices has seen the number of reported thefts increase.

“Whilst this is a national problem, it appears to be more prevalent in rural communities where residents do not always have the luxury of a mains gas supply.

He added: “I urge the public to report any suspicious activity, particularly any sightings of unmarked tankers or suspicious vehicles.”

Police are advising residents with heating oil tanks to:

• Fit a good quality close shackle padlock to the filler cap and drain tap.
• Make access to the tank more difficult using fences, trellis, walls or defensive planting.

• Position a security light which can make thefts more difficult.

• Consider Lockable Metal enclosures which can completely surround the tank

Anyone with any further information should contact Sergeant John Williams at Flint Police Station on 101, if you are calling from Wales, or 0845 607 1001 ( Welsh Line), 0845 607 1002 ( English Line) or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Alternatively send a text message to 66767 or email – northwalespolice@north-wales.police.uk


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