Warning over man in a van mattress sales

Denbighshire Trading Standards are warning residents to be on their guard and not fall foul to suspect mattress sales.

The Council has received complaints about sales and attempted sales of mattresses out of the back of vans in car parks and via cold calling at consumers’ homes.

In all cases the consumer must be on their guard, as there is no information at this time where these mattresses are manufactured, whether they are labelled correctly or more importantly if they are safe.

The sellers are claiming that the mattresses are on sale due to a wrong order at a local hotel or that they were the wrong sizes and they can not take them back to the factory.

Barry Jackson from Trading Standards, said: “The Council understands that the mattresses have been described as Memory Foam, Luxury etc but it has been reported  that the mattresses are carefully wrapped so you have no idea what exactly you are buying until the salesperson is long gone. By then its to late and you could be out of pocket.

“The sellers do not provide any paperwork or invoices and we are aware that they are using false business names and addresses. More importantly the seller is not complying with the Cancellation Regulations  that entitles the consumer when entering into a contract in their home, to have a 7 day cooling off period where they can change their mind and cancel the contract at no charge.

“We are urging the public not to deal with these sellers. You really do not know who you are buying from and if things go wrong, we will have no way of identifying the seller or rectifying the matter”.

If you are approached by these sellers then please report the matter to North Wales Police by telephoning 101, we would ask that you try and identify a vehicle registration number and any trading name that they may be using.

For more advice on Cold Calling or your general Consumer Rights please call Consumer Direct Wales on 08454 040506.


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