Warning to parents who allow their children to truant

Parents in Swansea have been warned they risk prosecution if they don’t make sure their children are in school.

The message comes after 29 children from local schools were found in the city centre when they should have been in lessons.

In just four hours on March 28, a single team of police officers and Swansea Council education welfare officers picked up the youngsters all of whom were accompanied by their parents or guardians.

Birthday treats, shopping, and buying the correct shoes for school were among the excuses given alongside ‘not feeling too well’ and ‘recovering from a trip to the dentist’.

Parents who condone truancy are liable to court action and can face fines of up to £1,000 or, in the worst cases, imprisonment for not ensuring their children attend school regularly.

Susan Griffiths, the Council’s Principal Education Welfare Officer, said: “Truancy checks are vital in backing up the work already being carried out by our team of dedicated Education Welfare Officers.

“They work hard to identify any issues faced by young people and their families which could have an impact on their future school attendance.

“Truancy prevents young people from achieving their full potential. But it can also make them vulnerable to crime. That’s one of the reasons why South Wales Police is so supportive of the work we do.”

She said: “The message to parents is that we are working together to combat truancy and that parents need to take responsibility in ensuring their children attend school every day.”


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