Waste Free Snacks on Anglesey

Pupils of Ysgol y Graig, Llangefni were set a recycling challenge recently when the Isle of Anglesey County Council Waste Promotions Team and Keep Wales Tidy worked with them to create a ‘Waste Free Snack’ plan together. The school wanted to have a ‘Waste Free Day’ as part of National Recycle Week’.

“We talked to the children a week before their ‘Waste Free Day’ and came up with the idea of a ‘Waste Free Snack’, discussing how to avoid packaging and prepare food without creating waste,” says Eirian Williams from the Isle of Anglesey County Council Waste Promotions team.

A letter was sent home with pupils to ask for help in bringing a ‘Waste Free Snack’ into school the following week.  “My Mam, Dad and sisters helped me to make my ‘Waste Free Snack’, we were not allowed rubbish, it is a tasty idea,” said Caleb aged 6.

Some ideas of items which could be included in the ‘Waste Free Snack’ were:

  • Sandwiches in reusable containers
  • Fruit without packaging
  • Drinks in containers which can be reused or recycled
  • ‘Loose’ biscuits, not individually wrapped in small packets

A presentation was given to the children on the dangers of litter especially rubbish getting into the sea.  “We might throw something like a rope into the sea.  If a penguin in the arctic eats it he might get sick,” said Daio aged 6.

Items which the children avoided were:

  • Cling film and plastic bags
  • Drinks cartons which can’t be recycled
  • Individual crisps packets
  • Individually wrapped snacks

The children enjoyed their ‘Waste Free Snack’ outside in the sunshine.  Some pupils had crackers with cheese or jelly in reusable pots to minimise waste.  “We need to take care of the world because we need the world.  Trash makes the world’s tummy poorly,” said Ashley aged 6.

“It is important to recycle more and to reduce the amount of waste we sent to landfill.  It is great to hear that the children involved in the ‘Waste Free Snack’ day were very enthusiastic about recycling and it is a pleasure to encourage them to be part of a greener future,” said Jon Eastwood, Acting Chief Waste Management Officer at Isle of Anglesey County Council.

Photograph: Children from Ysgol y Graig, Llangefni enjoy their ‘Waste Free Snack’
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