Waste not, want not

Pembrokeshire County Council is urging residents to support a week of action on waste.

The Council Pembrokeshire County Council wants residents to make a difference to their community, the environment, and their own finances, by taking part in European Week of Waste Reduction (EWWR).

The week, which is co-ordinated in Wales by Waste Awareness Wales, will start on November 20th.

EWWR gives schools, community groups, businesses and individuals the opportunity to arrange events such as swap shops, collections of old furniture and information days.

Waste Awareness Wales says that although the country now recycles 44% of its rubbish it was still vitally important to reduce the amount of rubbish produced in the first place.

“Planning shopping, repairing things rather than throwing them out, and passing unwanted products to people who may find a use for them are not that hard to do, but can have real benefits for the environment and for household budgets,” said a spokeswoman.

Pembrokeshire County Council Cabinet member for Environmental and Regulatory Services, Councillor Ken Rowlands, said that because Wales was recycling more than ever, it would be easy to assume that we didn’t need to worry about rubbish.

“However thinking carefully about what we buy and producing less waste in the first place is much better than recycling it,” he said.

“Particularly with Christmas on the way, the European Week of Waste Reduction is a great opportunity to think carefully about what we buy and throw away, and how we can save money and help keep waste away from landfill.”


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