Welsh Assembly Government warns public to take care

The Welsh Assembly Government’s calling on the public to take extra care if they plan to travel today as the impact of the recent snow is still being felt across Wales.

The move comes as the Deputy First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones has asked senior officials to continue to discuss the impact of the severe weather with key business organisations.

Mr Jones said,

“I have asked my senior officials to continue to discuss the challenges facing businesses as a result of the snow as well as the impact of this severe weather with business representatives. We want to discuss what more can be done to help companies who are striving to operate in these difficult conditions. I have also asked officials to review how resources are being allocated in tackling the impact of bad weather.

“The heavy levels of snow from yesterday may have eased for now, but if people are planning to travel, we are calling on them to take extra care as conditions in some places remain treacherous.

“The Assembly Government is continuing to monitor the situation 24 hours a day to make sure that where possible our main routes remain open. Our officials are working with all agencies and local authorities to co-ordinate efforts to minimise disruption to travel on the main networks.

“We are working around the clock to coordinate the routing and operation of our snowplough and gritters so they can get to where they are needed. We believe that we have sufficient salt stock supplies for the foreseeable future and have been helping councils on a case by case basis. We will continue to safeguard supplies to make sure we can keep our key trunk roads open in the coming weeks and will continue to monitor the usage and storage of salt to ensure the best use of supplies.

“We remain in close contact with the WLGA and the UK Government’s Department of Transport to review the distribution of salt, and have provided Councils with guidance on more efficient methods of gritting.

“Our information services, such as Traffic Wales, are being constantly updated with the latest conditions on the roads. We are paying special attention to stranded vehicles to make sure people are out of harms way. Vehicles which have been abandoned are being thoroughly checked.”

The Welsh Assembly Government is responsible for maintaining the motorway and trunk road network in Wales, while local authorities have responsibility for maintaining local roads.


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