Welsh Charity Calls for People to Celebrate Big Welsh Month

AgeUK Strap Logo CMYK CoatedA Welsh charity is calling on the people of Wales to celebrate Wales and Welshness during ‘Big Welsh Month’ in March.

Age Cymru – Wales’ largest older people’s charity, is organising the fun-filled month to raise funds to support its work with older people.

Emma Lionel of Age Cymru says:

“Big Welsh Month is Age Cymru’s new fundraiser which kicks off on St David’s Day and it runs all through March.

“We’re asking the people of Wales to get involved, celebrate Wales and everything that’s Welsh, and have fun while helping Age Cymru to help older people across Wales.

“Big Welsh Month is a great way of bringing everyone together to celebrate the diversity of Wales and we’re all very excited by it – we’ve even had someone in Melbourne in Australia contacting us wanting to be part of the celebrations.

“So get involved and have fun with Age Cymru, your friends and family by celebrating Wales and Welshness during Big Welsh Month this March.”

How you can get involved with Big Welsh Month:

  • Challenge friends to a Welsh cake bake-off;
  • Buy and wear an Age Cymru leek  – these are available  from our Age Cymru shops
  • Get together for a Six Nations Super Saturday party;
  • Hold a Welsh themed quiz night;
  • Pay tribute to your favourite Welsh bands by singing their songs during a karaoke night;
  • Organise a traditional Welsh twmpath in your local community;
  • Come along to Age Cymru’s folk music night at the CMC Sports and Social Club at Heath Park, Cardiff on 21 March;
  • Join the fun online by sharing your photos on Facebook and Twitter by using our hashtag #bigwelshmonth;

Get your fundraising pack and folk music night tickets now by calling Age Cymru on 029 2043 1555 or sending an email to [email protected].

Or you can also call into one of our shops or Age Cymru local charity partner offices across Wales.


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