‘Welsh Government Needs to Deliver on Moorland ANC Support in RDP’

Bil Powell portraitWilliam Powell AM, Welsh Liberal Democrat Rural Affairs Spokesperson, has reiterated his call in the Senedd for the Welsh Government to use the new Rural Development Plan (RDP) to deliver a dedicated Areas of Natural Constraint (ANC) scheme which will target those farming in Moorland areas (defined as the Upland above 400m).

William Powell AM, Welsh Liberal Democrat for Mid and West Wales, said:

“The RDP has had a long gestation period and it is time for Alun Davies to make some critical decisions about the future of farming in Wales.

“While we are still awaiting those decisions I have used today’s debate on the next RDP to reiterate my call for the Welsh Government to U-turn on their unilateral abandonment of Upland farmers and work with the community to deliver a dedicated support scheme for those areas.

“This dedicated scheme should be in addition to the Government’s agri-environmental proposals, as the limitations of farming in the Moorlands make it more difficult to take full advantage of such schemes.”


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