Welsh Lib Dems Publish Plans for Young Person’s Concessionary Fare Scheme

Eluned Parrott AM Portrait 2The Welsh Liberal Democrats are today publishing plans for a new concessionary bus fare scheme for young people and students in Wales.

In 2013, Welsh Liberal Democrat members at party conference passed a policy motion highlighting that young people are disproportionately impacted by increases in public transport fares due to their reliance on public transport to access education, employment, training and apprenticeships.  The Welsh Liberal Democrats have today published a cost efficient proposal for a concessionary fare scheme for young people that they would bring forward in government.

Eluned Parrott, Welsh Liberal Democrat Shadow Minister for Transport, said:

“Young people are one of the largest users of public transport, but often they are either in full time education or have just left and are looking for a job, so affordability of public transport can be a key barrier.  The Welsh Lib Dems are putting forward costed policy ideas that will help solve this problem.

“Public transport should be as accessible as possible for young people, to enable them to access opportunities for work, education, training and apprenticeships and help tackle youth unemployment.  That is why the Welsh Liberal Democrats are calling for a national concessionary scheme for young people aged 16-18, as well as those in full time education.

“The report recommends a national concessionary fare scheme based on a blanket reduced fare rate for 16-18 year olds and students.  This policy achieves the objectives of improving access to affordable transport for young people, with minimal administration costs.  Eligibility would be determined through means of official forms of identification or visual verification of age.

“While some local authorities in Wales have taken welcome steps to introduce bus schemes for young people, there is significant variability in these schemes which creates confusion and difficulty in travelling across local authority boundaries.  Introducing a national concessionary fare scheme would end this confusion and give young people more affordable access to public transport, enabling them to have better access to the education, employment and training opportunities that are vital in building a stronger economy.”

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