Welsh regeneration project selected as best practice for European summit

An urban regeneration project from Colwyn Bay, ‘The Bay Life+ Programme’ has been selected from projects across Europe as an example of good practice in sustainable development, and will be showcased at the Committee of the Regions 2012 Summit in Copenhagen this week (22nd- 23rd March).

The summit will be attended by over 300 mayors and presidents from regions across Europe, as well as leading architects and urban planners who will meet to share ideas for how sustainable, urban development can be delivered in the future. WLGA Committee of the Regions Member Cllr Bob Bright (Newport) will also be in attendance. The Bay Life Programme will be showcased alongside projects from other European cities and regions in an exhibition entitled “Beautiful, green, smart and inclusive: Colourful Cities” which will showcase best practices in the following four areas:

•    architecture and town planning;
•    energy efficiency, sustainable transport and development;
•    innovation and smart specialisation strategies;
•    inclusion, social innovation and employment.

The Bay Life+ Programme aims to improve and bring together all the things that make up a community and has been selected as an example of best practice under the ‘inclusion, social innovation and employment’ area.

Cllr Chris Holley (Swansea), WLGA spokesperson for Regeneration and Europe said:

“Local government has a key role to play in the transition to a green economy. However, we rely on EU policies and funding to help us achieve this. The Committee of the Regions Summit 2012 is a great opportunity for representatives from regions across the EU Member States to come together to share experiences and ensure urban issues feature prominently on the European agenda. The Bay Life+ Programme is delivering real improvements to the community in Colwyn Bay, an area of Wales identified as having a high rate of deprivation, and it is great news that the work of the programme will be showcased at the Summit, setting an example of best practice for cities and regions across Europe.”

Rob Dix, Regeneration Area Programme Manager for Conwy County Borough Council said:

“We’re proud of our achievements in Colwyn Bay. It’s particularly pleasing to receive recognition for our integrated approach to regeneration, actively involving the local community and local organisations, and of the success that the Bay Life+ Regeneration Programme is having in the revitalisation of the town.”

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