Whitchurch Foundation status demands U-turn on Labour policy

Commenting on the Education Minister’s decision to grant Whitchurch High School ‘Foundation Status’, Shadow Minister for Education Paul Davies AM, said:

“This announcement is much-needed news for Whitchurch High School, its staff, pupils and parents.

“It plainly recognises the excellent standard of education that is being offered there and secures its future in Cardiff.

“It also follows the hard work of Welsh Conservative AM Jonathan Morgan in making this happen.

“Following this decision, I now expect the Education Minister to withdraw his support for sections of an Education Measure that will prevent the creation of any future Foundation Schools in Wales.

“Welsh Conservative amendments to this part of the Measure have previously been voted down.

“Anything less than a U-turn by the Minister would be inconsistent and completely hypocritical.

“He needs to clarify his stance immediately.”

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