William Powell: Wales is Stronger in the European Union

Bil Powell portraitWilliam Powell AM, Welsh Liberal Democrat for Mid and West Wales, has strongly backed the UK’s membership of the European Union and the contribution it makes to the economy and quality of life in Wales in a cross-party debate in the National Assembly for Wales.

William Powell AM said:

“I am a proud European who strongly supports the United Kingdom’s continued membership of the European Union.

“Our membership is also of great benefit to Wales given that we benefit to the tune of £144 million from the European Union.

“The Welsh Liberal Democrats are working to defend tens of thousands of Welsh and British jobs, create millions more and put thousands of pounds back in people’s pockets by making it easier for Welsh companies to export and slashing red tape for small businesses.

“The Tories and UKIP are putting Welsh jobs at risk by undermining our commitment to the European Union, promoting a referendum on our EU membership on unknown terms, years into the future.

‘’Coupled with this is the gift of peace on our continent over the past 70 years, which has been fostered so strongly by the process of European integration. In the year that marks the centenary of the break out of the 1st World War, a European civil war which unleashed global carnage, we put our EU membership at risk at our peril.’’

Alec Dauncey, Welsh Liberal Democrat European Parliamentary Candidate, added:

“Welsh Liberal Democrats want Britain to stay in the EU because we are fighting for a stronger economy – millions of British jobs are linked to our trade with the EU, and being in Europe gives us more strength when negotiating trade deals with global players like the US, China, India and Brazil. We are the party of in – In Europe, In Work.”


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