Williams: Annual report glosses over appalling state many services are in

Kirsty_Williams_2011Commenting on the Chief Executive’s Annual Report into the NHS, Kirsty Williams, leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, said:

“While it is always important to recognise the positives, I can’t help but worry that this report is glossing over the truly appalling state many of our NHS services are in.

“2012-13 was undeniably a year of key targets being missed over and over again.  Not once was the 4 hour A&E waiting target met, not once was the urgent cancer waiting time target met and ambulance response times were repeatedly below what was required.  This shocking record proves that Labour can’t be trusted with our health service.

“This report was an opportunity to show that lessons are being learnt.  However, I am far from convinced that changes are being put into place to turn things around.  Until the Welsh Labour Government acknowledges the problems in our NHS, the people of Wales are not going to see things improve.  Welsh Labour’s poverty of ambition is leaving Wales behind when it comes to providing vital services.

“NHS staff work incredibly hard and we are truly thankful for the tremendous work that they do.  Sadly the Welsh Labour Government’s ineptitude means staff are not able to give the first class health service that they want to and that the people of Wales deserve.”


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