Williams: Food Security a Vital Priority

Commenting on the publication of a major report on food security by Professor Sir John Beddington, the Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor, Brynle Williams AM, Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs, said:

“This report provides a stark warning that there is no room for complacency over food security.

“The global population is growing at a dramatic rate and food production is falling behind.

“A string of natural disasters in Russia, Pakistan and Australia have either wiped out production or left export bans in place, leading to scarcity and high prices elsewhere in the world.

“Professor Beddington’s report is a timely reminder that urgent action needs to be taken to increase food production here in the developed world and in poorer countries.

“I have urged action on food security for years, and have today written to the Minister for Rural Affairs to urge her to consider the implications of this report.

“I believe that Wales, with its abundant natural resources, can play a significant role in meeting the growing demand for food, but it is vital that the right policies are put into place to avoid shortages and scarcity in the years ahead.

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