Williams: Healthcare Inspectorate Wales Urgently Needs Reform

Kirsty Williams

Kirsty Williams

Kirsty Williams, AM for Brecon and Radnorshire, has called for a review into the remit and functions of Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW), in light of the concerns raised regarding waiting times and mortality rates in the Welsh NHS.

Commenting Kirsty said:

“I am deeply concerned that the current system of inspection in Wales is not fit for purpose. We need a robust, proactive and strong system of inspections in our hospitals and I do not feel the current system provides that. Many hospitals are not being regularly and routinely inspected.

“When giving evidence to the Health Committee, I asked the Healthcare Inspectorate Wales if they could assure me that if we had a Mid Staff type situation in Wales, HIW would know. They said they could not give me that assurance.

“Clearly this is not a situation that can continue. We need a hospital inspection system that keeps the people of Wales safe.”


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