Williams: Right for Ann Clwyd MP to Give Evidence to Health Committee

Ann-clwydThe Welsh Liberal Democrats have welcomed that the Health Committee has decided to invite Ann Clwyd MP to give evidence.

Labour members of the Health Committee had twice previously blocked attempts to invite Ann Clwyd MP.

Ann Clwyd MP conducted a review of the English NHS complaints system after she spoke of the poor treatment her husband had experienced at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff.  While undertaking the review, she received hundreds of letters from patients expressing concern over experiences in Welsh hospitals.

Kirsty Williams AM said:

“It is absolutely right that Ann Clwyd MP is to be invited to give evidence to the Assembly’s Health Committee.  While she may have conducted a review into the English NHS, she still received a large amount of information from Welsh patients.

“It’s astonishing that Labour members continuously tried to block Ann Clwyd from giving evidence.  The fact that she is an MP is completely irrelevant.  The truth is they are afraid they won’t like what she has to say.  Ann’s voice deserves to be heard.”


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