Willott: Electrification Huge Boost to Wales

Jenny Willott, the Liberal Democrat MP for Cardiff Central, has welcomed the decision to electrify the Great Western Mainline from London to Cardiff.

The decision, announced by the Transport Secretary, Philip Hammond MP, will mean faster, more efficient trains connecting the two capitals, which will help encourage investment in Cardiff and the rest of South Wales.

Philip Hammond also announced plans to build the business case for electrification of the Valley lines which would dramatically improve the speed and efficiency of the lines.

Jenny Willott, along with the Lib Dem-run Cardiff Council, has been vocal in calling for electrification.  Last year Jenny hosted an event in the Houses of Parliament to make the business case for the decision.

Commenting Jenny said:

“The decision to electrify the Great Western Mainline to Cardiff is a huge step forward.  It will be a massive boost to businesses in Cardiff who have been calling for electrification for years.

“This is a significant investment in Wales and shows that the Government is committed to not only helping build the Welsh economy, but also improve the sustainability of our transport with quicker, more reliable and less polluting trains.

“I am really pleased that after years of positive words but little action by Labour the Coalition Government is finally making these plans a reality.

“I am also very happy that electrification to Cardiff comes hand in hand with new plans for the Valley lines which will improve links to the Capital and help bring new investment to the former coalfield areas of South Wales.”

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