Willott: Low Report Shows Case for DLA Mobility Component in Residential Care

Commenting on the release of the Independent report by Lord Low into the case for keeping the Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for people living in residential care homes, Jenny Willott MP, the Co-Chair of the Liberal Democrats Parliamentary Party Committee on Work and Pensions, said:

“The Low Report shows yet again the clear case for retaining the mobility component of DLA for people who live in residential care homes.

“Mobility support through this benefit is a vital lifeline for those in residential care homes.  It allows often very disabled people the chance to be active members of their community, see their friends and family and have a life outside their care.

“Proposals to abolish the mobility component for these people are fundamentally flawed.  I very much hope that the Government listens to this report and I will continue to work hard with my Lib Dem colleagues to ensure that the Government reconsiders.”


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