Willott: Support Needed for DSA Workers

Jenny Willott, Liberal Democrat MP for Cardiff Central, has called on the Government to offer more support for the people being made redundant by the closure of the Driving Standards Authority Offices in Cardiff.

The closure, announced last month, will see most of the 87 jobs disappear, although a small team will remain. Staff have contacted Jenny with concerns that they are being offered no support from the DSA to find new jobs.

Speaking in Parliament during Welsh Questions, Jenny Willott asked the Welsh Minister, David Jones MP, to work with the Department for Transport, the Department for Work and Pensions and the Welsh Assembly Government, to make sure staff get all the help they need to find new jobs.

Jenny welcomed the Minister’s response that they would look at possible redeployment options for staff, as well as ensuring support is provided for those who are made redundant.

Commenting Jenny said:

“It’s really disappointing that the DSA offices in Cardiff are set to close, but crucial that anyone losing their job is given all the support they need to find work as quickly as possible.

“I am pleased that the Government is already looking at redeployment, and has confirmed that a smaller DSA office will remain to provide Welsh language services.

“However, for those facing redundancy, it’s vital that all the Government departments involved, and the Welsh Assembly Government, work together to support them and that there is proper communication with DSA staff so that they are involved in discussions about their future.”

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