Willott Welcomes Budget Help for Working Families

Commenting on the Budget, Jenny Willott, the Liberal Democrat MP for Cardiff Central, welcomed tax reductions for people on low and middle incomes.  Jenny said:

“Today the Chancellor announced the biggest increase in the income tax personal allowance in thirty years, increasing the allowance by £1,100 to £9,205.

“This reduces the taxes of 1.1 million people across Wales and means 42,000 people will be lifted out of paying income tax altogether.  Thanks to the Liberal Democrats in Government, those on the minimum wage have seen their income tax bill cut in half since the Coalition took office.”

Commenting on other measures in the Budget, Jenny said:

“This Budget is good news for Cardiff.  The Chancellor announced that our city will receive £12 million for ultra-fast broadband, and that Westminster will work with the Welsh Government to look at electrification of the Valleys railway lines.

“The Coalition is doing all this whilst making sure that rich pay more.  The Government is introducing measures that mean the richest in society will pay five times more than they currently do through the 50p highest rate of tax.

“This Budget has the Lib Dems stamped all over it.  It shows the Government’s dedication to helping struggling families and proves that the Lib Dems are making a real difference in Government.”


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